Now, thieves have eyes on car parts

Now, thieves have eyes on car parts
But thieves are increasingly turning their attention to items such as catalytic converters, wheel rims, mirrors and even engine parts, which are easier to escape with and easier to sell on over the internet. Mr Cazaneuve is set to unveil additional …
Read more on The Connexion

Malaysian Plane Crash Could Be Turning Point in Ukraine Crisis
The crash of a Malaysian airliner in eastern Ukraine could be a turning point for the Ukraine crisis, if it convinces reluctant Europeans to get behind tougher "sectoral" sanctions long-sought by U.S. President Barack Obama. … is also hope in …
Read more on The Moscow Times

Hobby Lobby decision is woeful
It has set up a system whereby this nation is likely to be fractured not just into two parts, but into several parts, turning what is now a Republic into a country where anarchy rules, based on whatever system of beliefs a person, or group of people …
Read more on Picayune Item

Fewer unaccompanied kids being arrested at border recently
The 55,000-square-foot converted warehouse is scheduled to open Friday and temporarily house as many as 1,000 children until they can be turned over to the Health and Human Services Department and sent to shelters. "We arrested 80 juveniles yesterday …